
St Joseph's

Catholic Primary School

'Go shine in the world.'

Prevent Duty, Gang Crime and other workshops

Keeping children safe is our priortiy. We are preparing the children from St Joseph's for the next step in their learning and our intent is to provide them with the skills and confidence to deal with challenging issues and experiences which come as part of living in London. We want to equip them with the facts that they need to understand about the responsiblities that they will have in later life and help them to keep themselves and others safe. With this in mind we organise a regular programme of workshops for the children in Year 5 and Year 6 that we think are timely and appropriate. In all year groups the children take part in NSPCC assemblies about keeping themselves safe. We use the "Pants" rule to teach about safe and unsafe touch.  In Year 5 and Year 6 children take part in NSPCC workshops called: Speak out. Stay safe. They learn about different types of harm that can happen and the importance of speaking to trusted adults and sharing a worry. The children in Year 5 and Year 6 take part in a range of workshops designed to help safeguard them and give them the confidence to deal with complex issues.  Modern Slavery workshops are sessions where the children explore the dignity and rights of workers and identify the signs of slavery. They learn that they can make a difference in the world. The children also take part in Knife Crime workshops where they learn about the law involving carrying knives and that it is illegal to use any knife in a threatening way. They discuss the importance of their own safety e.g. if someone demands your phone in the street, it is important to give it up and not put your life in danger for a personal posession. Your life is much, much more important than a mobile phone!  In Gang Crime workshops the children learn about how to spot a real friend and someone who is using friendship for their own ends. They practise skills in standing up to peer pressure and ways to walk away from dangerous situations with dignity. In Hate Crime workshops the children learn to explore discrimination, prejudice and ignorance. During Anti Radidicalisation workshops the children learn that no religion supports violence.  When a terrorist event happens and is blamed on the religion, we need to challenge that. The session aims to challenge the stereotypical and negative thoughts and feelings that pupils may have heard.
